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    Pain free, Non-invasive, Non-Surgical Liposuction

    • Non - surgical Liposuction
    • Fastest & most powerful advanced aesthetic system
    • Dual advantage of fat reduction and simultaneous skin tightening
    • Experience akin to "Hot Stone Massage"
    • Promising outcomes in 4 to 6 sessions.

    * Individual Results May Vary

    Why choose Chennai Plastic Surgery

    • The team of doctors includes highly reputed and qualified specialists who will instantly put you at ease.
    • Every staff member at Chennai Plastic Surgery is trained to treat you with kid-gloved care, so when you leave, it is with a happy smile on a beautifully sculpted body.
    • Chennai Plastic Surgery has happy clients from all over the globe
    • At Chennai Plastic Surgery, you get customized, world class treatment at an affordable cost.

    A guide to Non-Surgical Liposuction