Liposuction is a simple yet very popular and sought after cosmetic procedure worldwide. With the advancements in technology, it has become more of a day care procedure these days. Liposuction predominantly finds application in body contouring, where it aims at localized removal of fat cells.

In early 1990’s, mortality was reported in almost 1 in every 5000 cases of Liposuction. The sharp cannulas that were used then carried risk of internal organ perforations. Theyalso increased chances of damaging blood vessels thereby causing fat molecules to get dislodged into circulation and to enter the lungsresulting in pulmonary embolism, that could prove fatal unless intervened early and medically managed. Late ambulation also added to the risk of thrombus emboli. Moreover, there was a common practice of performing these procedures as office based procedures that were not backed by emergency units in case any adverse events.

With the advent of highly sophisticated equipment and technology, primarily aimed at patient safety, such as Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL), surgeons can achieve cosmetically acceptable smaller incisions (as less as 4 mm). With an increase in the standard of care, risk of complications is as low as 0.07%. Besides, ambulation in less than 2 to 3 hours following the procedure decreases the risk of embolism. Liposuction has proven to have a high safety track record when performed by qualified and skilled Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeons, when teamed up with competent anesthesiologists. The times of sharp cannulas are gone and have been replaced with blunt cannulas.

Liposuction is no longer just safe, ithas also become a quicker affair. Patients can return home 5 hours post surgery following a detailed advice on a strict diet plan and exercise regime. You will be surprised to know that one can return to routine within 3 to 7 days based on the regions addressed. Clients are advised compression garments for 3 weeks, which enable them to keep swelling under control and shape up simultaneously. Results start showing up in the first couple of months and will continue to improvefor the next few months. Complications such as bleeding, infection, uneven skin tone, fluid accumulation etc. is a rare occurrence with the current standard of liposuction techniques.

With ideal candidate selection and meticulous intraoperative fluid management, risks can be highly minimized even with large volume liposuction. Liposuction is no longer a risky affair.