Gynecosmatia Before and After Photos | Chennai Plastic Surgery

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Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction) Photos

Surgeries performed at Chennai Plastic Surgery in Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Patient 11

Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Case #17166 - Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)

Gynaecomastia grade 3 28yrs male patient with gynaecomastia grade 3, underwent liposuction and gland excision. Post surgery photo taken at 1 month .

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Chennai Plastic Surgery and set up a consultation.

Patient 12

Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Case #16772 - Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)

21 years old male patient presented with GRADE 4 GYNECOMASTIA underwent male breast (man boob) correction surgery( liposuction and gland excision). Post operative procedures after 2 days. Individual results may vary.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Chennai Plastic Surgery and set up a consultation.

Patient 13

Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Case #16780 - Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)

24 years male patient presented with GRADE 3 GYNECOMASTIA , underwent male breast (man boobs) correction surgery (liposuction and gland excision). Post surgery photos taken at 1 month. Individual results may vary.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Chennai Plastic Surgery and set up a consultation.

Patient 14

Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Case #13458 - Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)

30 years old male with grade IIl gynaecomastia ( puffy nipples/male breast deformity). Gynaecomastia correction surgery done (liposuction and gland excision). Post operative photo after 5 months.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Chennai Plastic Surgery and set up a consultation.

Patient 15

Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Case #13462 - Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)

30 years old male with grade II gynaecomastia ( puffy nipples/male breast deformity). Gynaecomastia correction surgery done (liposuction and gland excision). Post operative photo after 5 months.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Chennai Plastic Surgery and set up a consultation.

Patient 16

Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Case #15282 - Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)

30 years old male with grade II gynaecomastia ( puffy nipples/male breast deformity). Gynaecomastia correction surgery done (liposuction and gland excision). Post operative photo 3 months gynecomastia surgery.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Chennai Plastic Surgery and set up a consultation.

Patient 17

Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Case #15286 - Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)

29 years old male with grade II gynaecomastia ( puffy nipples/male breast deformity). Gynaecomastia correction surgery done (liposuction and gland excision). Post operative photo after 1 month.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Chennai Plastic Surgery and set up a consultation.

Patient 18

Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Case #10933 - Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)

21 year old boy with grade IV gynaecomastia (puffy nipples/ male breast deformity). Gynaecomastia correction surgery done (liposuction and gland excision). post operative photo after 5 months.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Chennai Plastic Surgery and set up a consultation.

Patient 19

Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Case #15314 - Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)

37 years old male with grade II gynaecomastia ( puffy nipples/male breast deformity). Gynaecomastia correction surgery done (liposuction and gland excision). Post operative photo after 1 year.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Chennai Plastic Surgery and set up a consultation.

Patient 20

Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)
Case #15315 - Gynecomastia (Puffy Nipples/ Male Chest Correction)

31 year old male with grade IV gynaecomastia (puffy nipples/ male breast deformity). Gynaecomastia correction surgery done (liposuction and gland excision). Post operative photo after 3 months.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Chennai Plastic Surgery and set up a consultation.

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2017 WhatClinic Patient Service Award Badge RealSelf Top Doctor Cosmetic Surgery Badge Top Doctor Recognition for Breast Augmentation Top Doctor Recognition for Gynecomastia Surgery Top Doctor Recognition for Rhinoplasty Surgery Top Doctor Recognition for Tummy Tuck Surgery Award for Top Liposuction Specialist Recognized in RealSelf Top 500 (2015) 2017 Patient Service Award by WhatClinic