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There are innumerable treatments for those who face hair loss and the credit goes to the technologies which has been developed of late to improvise hair loss. SMP or MPG or scalp micropigmentation is a process of impregnating fine dot in a color that matches the patient’s original hair color. The process works by reducing the skin visibility.
The process can be used in two different ways:
How long does the hair tattooing lasts? Is it permanent? The answer is NO. It is not a permanent option but can be repeated as it fades. Scalp micropigmentation has a validity of 2 to 4 years. So re-touches could be every few years. Scalp micropigmentation can be considered as one of the safest and best way to combat premature baldness.
For more information on our procedures or if you are interested in scheduling an appointment please reach us here, or by clicking on the QR code below. We will let you know if you are a good candidate for the procedure, and can recommend any additional treatments that can help you reach your beauty goals.