Frequently Asked Questions | Chennai Plastic Surgery

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Plastic Surgery FAQ's India

RealSelf Q&A

What is derma roller ?

Dermaroller is a cylindrical shaped drum,studded with very fine needles which is used in micro-needling.

What does it do ?

It breaks down old scar tissues which stimulate skin cells to form new tissues elastin and collagen with new blood vessels as well. This in turn improves scar reduction and collagen induction.

What will be the effect on the skin after treatment ?

It improves the thickness of the skin in return rejuvenates skin texture and reduces wrinkles. Minimizes signs of aging and also reduces acne scarring.

How dermaroller is performed ?

The skin is cleansed and numbed with an appropriate numbing gel . when the numbing action is achieved, slowly and thoroughly the skin is needled, means the instrument is runned over the numbed skin. Which leads to pin point bleeding which is the best indication for a perfect medical performance.

Who is suitable and how many session required?

Dremaroller can be performed on all skin types and colour. It can be done on 3-5 sections.

Where dermaroller can be used ?

It can used not only on face but also on head , neck, decollete,arms, and legs as well.

How will it look after the treatment ?

Immediately after dermaroller treatment you look like as though you have moderate sun burns and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual which subsides within an hour or two.

Can make up be done after the treatment ?

We advice not to apply make up for 24–hours after the procedure and a strong UVA/UVB sunscreen is recommended following the treatment.

What are the post care advice ?

Apply alovera gel son after the procedure, use cold water to cleanse, and make sure that your hands are clean when touching the treated area.

An abdominoplasty, also known as a “tummy tuck,” is a procedure that removes excess tissue and skin from the abdominal area and repairs muscles to create a smoother, more contoured abdomen.

When is abdominoplasty performed?

The Abdominoplasty procedure is usually performed when a person is discontent with their appearance in the abdomen region. It is most often sought out after a woman has given birth and does not plan on having any more children. After the extra skin and muscle tissue is removed, the abdomen may not be able to accommodate another child.

Can an abdominoplasty help me lose weight?

An abdominoplasty is not a weight loss surgery. Patients should not undergo abdominoplasty to lose weight. Rather, they should have already lost the weight through diet, exercise, or weight loss surgery and desire to improve the contour of their midsection.

How long is the surgery?

Depending on the patient, and other procedures that may be taking place, an abdominoplasty typically takes between two to three hours.

Can I have a tummy tuck between pregnancies?

We often encourage women to wait to undergo an abdominoplasty until after they are finished having children. This will help maximize and prolong their results.

What kind of pain can be expected following surgery?

For most patients, the pain is not severe, may last a few days, and is usually well-controlled with pain medication during this time. Most patients are ready to return to work and resume their daily activities within 1–2 weeks.

When can I begin exercising after my abdominoplasty?

Moderate exercise can usually be resumed within 1–2 weeks. More vigorous exercise, such as running, heavy lifting, and abdominal strength exercises, can typically begin 4–6 weeks after surgery.

How long does it take to see the final result?

Patients will notice a dramatic improvement in the contours of their abdomen immediately after surgery. As swelling subsides over the next several weeks, the results of their abdominoplasty will be in full effect.

How soon can I return to work after an abdominoplasty?

Typically, individuals are able to return to work after about two weeks. The exact amount of time will depend on the extent of your abdominoplasty, your pain tolerance and the physical demands of you.

Where are the scars located?

This is not a scar-free surgery; Most surgeons choose to offer their patients lesser scarring techniques that leave a well-hidden horizontal or slightly bowed scar which can be covered by a standard bikini.

What Is Botox?

Botox used in cosmetic treatments is the trade name for a type of bacteria, Clostridium botulinum toxin. This protein, used in cosmetic medicine, can effectively treat mild to moderate lines and wrinkles. Cosmetic procedures use only a small amount of diluted botulinum that weaken facial muscles to remove the appearance of lines. Botox relaxes muscles by blocking nerve impulses. When the muscles can’t contract, the wrinkles and lines are less visible.

What Is It Used For?

Botox is usually used to treat wrinkles on the forehead and crow’s feet at the outer corners of the eyes. Botox is most effective in treating the upper face.

Side effects of Botox?

Usually the side effects are very minimal. Most common side effects include pain on injection, minimal swelling, bruising which lasts for 1 to 2 days. Head aches, nausea and flu-like symptoms are other potential but rare side effects.

If any unintentional injection of the muscles around eye or mouth occurs, it could cause an eyelid or the side of the mouth to droop. However, remember Botox injections are temporary and such side effects are temporary too. Eye drops can be made available to lessen the effects of temporary droop or simply left untreated.

How long does a Botox treatment last?

In a clinical study, the median duration of response in Botox patients was 201 days or 6.7 months.

Am I too old for BOTOX?

If lines have already become etched into your skin, BOTOX will not help remove these lines but if they are only early (shallow) lines then BOTOX can help prevent them from getting worse if not slightly improve them over time with consistent usage.

Are the injections painful?

The injections are very small and done with a tiny needle that usually does not cause discomfort. The pressure sensation associated with the injection goes away very quickly and patients can return to normal activities immediately after the procedure.

What to Expect after Botox?

You will notice relaxed muscles and less visible lines.

The physician aims for an optimal result, where “optimal” means the patient’s choice. Few would prefer softening of lines, while some others prefer complete clearing of lines – like the cine stars who cannot afford to show lines in close-up shots. The dosage is administered accordingly. It is completely dependent on the patient’s choice and need.

How is a Chemical peel performed?

It is better if the skin can be prepared first with night time application of retinoic acid based creams 2 to 3 weeks prior to peeling. Once skin is primed, right chemical peel is chosen for your skin type. After degreasing the skin with acetone, the chemical peel is applied over your face for a specified period of time or till the appearance of areas of redness over face, which is considered the
end point. The peel is neutralized with neutralizing solution, followed by application of soothing gel and finally a sunscreen over the face.

How much time does the treatment need to recover?

Usually chemical peel is followed by microscopic shedding of dead cells meaning there won’t be any visible changes over the face. Sometimes there is visible peeling of fine layers of skin which lasts for 2 to 3 days.

No, chemical peels are safe procedures when done by an expert. Infact, they have rejuvenating or antiaging qualities over long run.

Can I have other cosmetic treatments along with Chemical Peels?

It is best to avoid salon procedures like bleaching and facials while undergoing chemical peels.

What conditions need Chemical Peels as treatment?

Chemical peels are nowadays being used for a variety of indications like melasma, post-inflammatory pigmentation, acne or pimples, open pores, fine lines, facial rejuvenation, instant glow and to some extent for scars and stretch marks too.

What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are mild acids derived from organic sources. These acids when applied over skin for a recommended period of time; have ability to penetrate to deeper layers of skin. Once inside the deeper structures these peels have ability to improve pigmentation problems and to produce textural changes, thus rejuvenate skin.

Using a diode laser combined with ‘in-motion’ technology and a sophisticated cooling system. The advanced Soprano laser hair removal technology is:

• Safer treatment (FDA approved)

• Available to all hair and skin types (which has previously not been possible)

• Highly effective with successful results including black and Asian skins

• Up to 75% faster treatment time (due to latest technology)

How does it differ from traditional laser technology?

• All laser technology previously available emits laser light using a pulse method. This process can be painful, time consuming and may not work on all skin and hair types.

• By contrast the advanced diode laser technology uses low fluence, high average power and repetition rate so the application of light is constant. This allows for the ‘in-motion’ technology to be quick and efficient as it is delivered in a sweeping paintbrush motion over the skin as opposed to the pain-staking and time consuming pulse method.

• Furthermore, the superior cooling head that is used means there is only a warming sensation during the procedure as opposed to pain and discomfort from traditional laser technology. Treatment does not need to be started and stoppedbecause of discomfort and there have been no known adverse side effects.

Hair Removal Treatments – Who is it For?

Pain-Free, Hair-Free is for everyone. It’s safe for all skin types, hair types and most hair colors. Unlike other lasers, it can even be used on tanned skin. The bottom line is – if you have hair where you wish you didn’t, Pain-Free, Hair-Free is for you and you don’t have to wait for the summer to end!

What areas can be treated?

Patients seek hair removal treatments for almost any body part, from facial or bikini line treatments to leg, arm, neck or back hair removal. Hear what patients say about Pain-free, Hair-free, and then see their results! Unfortunately, laser hair removal technology does not treat clear, blonde, grey, light brown or white hair.

How does it work?

The laser light safely and gently passes through the dermis allowing the laser light to be absorbed into the hair root destroying the cells so they can no longer produce hair. Though hair re-growth has been prevented the laser does not injure the surrounding skin and the procedure is totally pain-free.

Does it hurt?

No not at all. Most patients find the Soprano Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatment extremely comfortable with very little discomfort – You will experience a warming sensation as a hot stone massage.

Is it safe?

This technology is approved by the FDA (the Food and Drug Administration) for laser hair reduction. Advances in technology means laser hair reduction temporary side effects are incredibly rare.

What could you expect?

You can expect great results from a series of laser treatments. However each case is different and number of treatments will depend on the size of treated area and hair structure. You will be able to return to your normal daily activities right after laser hair removal treatment.

What is the duration between each sitting ?

Each session is done at a duration of 4- 6 weeks .

Will the hair grow back?

Once the hair follicle is successfully treated, it cannot grow new hair. However, there are invariably a few hair follicles that manage to partially escape the laser during each treatment. Some of these follicles may be only stunned and will need to be retreated.

How many Soprano laser treatments do I need?

During your consultation your hair and skin will be assessed and you will be recommended a bespoke program that will offer you the best results for your needs. On average we recommend 4-6 sessions. Occasional maintenance treatments may be required.

How do I remove the hair in between laser hair removal treatments?

Soprano laser treatment will retard the hair growth at some points during your treatment course. It will also ‘fall out’ approx 3 weeks following treatment. You can shave any hair that appears but you must not remove the hair from the follicle (ie waxing or plucking).

Is there anything I should do before and after a laser treatment?

Do your best to minimise a suntan to the area being treated: This could make the treatment less effective. This includes sun-beds and tanning products. Skin preparations such as retinol, glycolic or acne preparations should be avoided. Certain medications will make the skin sensitive to the laser light. Check with your practitioner.

What makes this treatment so Unique?

There are several devices that use forms of energy that claim to tighten the skin, or treat cellulite, but none can promise actual circumferential reduction until now. The patient satisfaction rate is high, with circumferential reductions ranging from 4 cm to 15 cm of volume loss after several treatment sessions spaced at 2 week intervals.

What parts of the body can be treated with Exilis?

Exilis’ built-in cooling device makes it safe for reducing lax skin and excess fat anywhere on the body, including the face. Areas that can be treated include the face and eyes, neck, jowls, abdomen, arms, thighs, love handles, décolletage, knees, and fat rolls on the back.

How many treatment sessions are necessary?

Everyone is different, but in general most people begin to see a measurable difference after only 1or 2 visits and see excellent results. Clients who want to lose larger volumes may opt for 6 or more treatment sessions. Sessions are scheduled every 7 – 14 days and each treatment should only take 30-40 minutes.

How long will it take to recover from Exilis treatment?

Exilis Day patients are usually back to their regular activities right after treatment. The procedure is relatively pain-free, but we do suggest drinking lots of water prior to the treatment for best results and to avoid dehydration in targeted areas. There are no post-care considerations other than continued hydration.

When will I see results?

Exilis results are long lasting and though you may see immediate results, maximum results are experienced incrementally over 3 to 6 months after the last treatment. Maximum results are seen at three months post series.

Does Exilis treatment hurt and when will I see results?

No, Exilis doesn’t hurt per say, but could be uncomfortable especially as applied to certain sensitive regions. Patients typically report a warm sensation as the cooling device prevents most discomfort and makes Exilis safe for all skin types.

Are there any risks or health hazards?

Since the procedure is performed in a non-invasive manner, risks and hazards related to conventional fat and cellulite reduction are eliminated or greatly reduced. There may be some discomforts after this medical procedure, but usually subside quickly as the treated area is healing. Body figure and contour may be affected by future lifestyle and eating habits including other external factors.

How much does an Exilis Day treatment cost?

Exilis is an affordable, compared to traditional laser treatments that can cost many thousands. This is non-invasive alternative to that can provide impressive rejuvenating results in just a few treatments. Exilis is much more affordable than other body contouring procedures like liposuction, tummy tuck surgery, facelift surgery and eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty).

Like other body contouring procedures, the cost of Exilis depends on the patient’s specific needs. A patient who only desires facial rejuvenation with Exilis will pay less than a patient who wants to treat their tummy, flanks, and legs because the treatment area is smaller. A consultation is the best way for us to give patients an accurate price estimate, so schedule your free consultation today.

Preparation Required

All patients are encouraged to be well hydrated before, during and for a few days after treatment and some form of mild exercise post treatment will aid in fat removal.

What are Patient Constrains?

Radiofrequency skin tightening should not be carried out on any patient who has large amounts of metal in the region to be treated (artificial knees, hips, plates in the spine). A general guide is if one can have an MRI, they can have RF skin tightening. Pregnancy is also a contraindication, or cancer that is not in remission. Patients that have pacemakers, that are pregnant or breastfeeding / lactating will not be treated. Please also advise of any metal implants. Preparation Required All patients are encouraged to be well hydrated before, during and for a few days after treatment and some form of mild exercise post treatment will aid in fat removal.

How do I get started?

Whether you want Body Contouring, Cellulite Reduction, Skin Tightening, or all of the above, get that lean beach body with tighter skin by calling to make an appointment for your Exilis Body Contouring Session today!

Why Should I make an Appointment for a Free Consultation?

All of this occurs in a safe, painless, and quick 20 to 40 minute office procedure with no downtime or limitations on your activities! Get that lean beach body with tighter skin by calling the office and make an appointment for your
Exilis Body Shaping Session today!

How much time does the treatment need to recover?

Usually chemical peel is followed by microscopic shedding of dead cells meaning there won’t be any visible changes over the face. Sometimes there is visible peeling of fine layers of skin which lasts for 2 to 3 days.

No, chemical peels are safe procedures when done by an expert. In fact, they have rejuvenating and anti-aging qualities over long run.

Can I have other cosmetic treatments along with Chemical Peels?

It is best to avoid salon procedures like bleaching and facials while undergoing chemical peels.

How does hair transplantation done?

Hair transplant is done by taking the hairs from the back of the head and replanting them in the areas of hair loss. The hairs for transplant are obtained by either a Strip method or by FUE method.

Will my hair transplant results look completely natural?

Yes. The results will look completely natural as your own hair is used.

How long does a hair transplant procedure take?

The procedure takes three to four hours. But the patient is awake during the procedure.

Does the hair transplant procedure hurt?

No, It is absolutely painless procedure.

What is the recovery/healing time?

Down time for the surgery is about 3 days for the strip method and 1 day for the FUE method.

Will people know I had a hair transplant?

People will not know that you have had a hair transplant done. Care will be taken to create a hairline that is good looking and appropriate for your age.

When will my newly transplanted hair start to grow?

The transplanted hair will start growing in 4 to 6 months time. But the new hair will be thin and fine. Good quality hair will start appearing by 6 to 8 months. The best time to review results would be at 1 year to 1 and half years.

Like any other surgery, there are a few, if negligible risks and complications that may arise in a chin surgery, among a tiny percentage of patients.

  • Chin implants can shift, more so during the first few weeks after surgery
  • Do not participate in contact sports like boxing or wrestling or go in crowded places till you are fully healed and your surgeon gives you the green signal
  • Very rarely, implants in the chin cause infection. In such cases, the implants must be removed and the infection cleared
Benefits of Chin Implants
  • They are a solution for a stronger chin
  • The surgery can be performed at the same time as other procedures like Rhinoplasty
  • Choices of chin implants are many. Your surgeon will probably show you options for you to choose your desired look
  • Direct approaches are available
How often treatment should be performed?

This depends on how well you respond to the treatment and the treatment itself. For example, Glutathione injections are performed weekly once for five weeks, whereas products like Obagi is used continuously. Lasers would usually require 5-6 sessions. Your physician will explain the frequency etc. to you.

Best treatment for your skin

The best treatment for you will be suggested by your physician, depending on your skin type and its condition. Your physician may suggest a combination of treatments, which often has a synergistic effect. You have to let your physician know if you have history of keloid scaring, as this can alter the treatment plan.

How long the effects last?

HA is slowly absorbed in the body and the effect usually lasts for 9-12 months. Thus you would require further injections at regular intervals to sustain a long-lasting young looking skin.

Side effects of Derma fillers

Most common side-effect to expect is the swelling and the bruising after the injections. As mentioned, the symptoms will decrease over few days. Other side effect could be unequal injection of fillers. But, this can easily be treated with either further injections in the less-injected site or by injecting Hyaluronidase, an processed enzyme that breaks the fillers in the over-injected area. Thus you do not have to worry about a trout pout look.

Post-Treatment care
  • Place ice-packs following injections to reduce swelling
  • Avoid touching or washing the skin for atleast 6 hours after the injection.
  • The swelling and bruising over the injected site will reduce in 2-5 days. The lip swelling might take a longer time (7-14 days).
  • Avoid sun-exposure or make –up application
  • Do not over massage the area injected.
Pre-treatment care
  • Avoid tablets such as aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to minimize bruising and bleeding.
  • Injections are usually not performed if the site is infected.
  • If you are a person who tends to get cold sores often, please consult with us for antiviral therapy to minimize the recurrence following injections.
Post chemical peel care
  • Avoid sun-exposure for at least 48hrs after peeling
  • Use sunscreens before going out and every 2-3hrs thereafter.
  • Don’t use make-up immediately after peels: It is often best to do peels near weekend, so you can rest your skin without any make-up over the weekend.
  • Avoid exercise for 12hrs after peel, to prevent excessive sweating.
  • Do not shave for 24hrs after peel.
What happens after peeling?

There is mild stinging sensation during and after peeling. You will notice redness and there is peeling of skin over 4-7 days. This should subside with a new and fresh looking skin in 14-21 days. Generally, the duration of peeling will depend on the peel used and the concentration of the peel. Your physician will advise you appropriately. The procedure can be repeated every 2-3months for superficial peeling and 4-6months for deep peeling.

Is a breast lift right for me?

Sometimes, age and gravity are not the causes for breasts to sag. Right from adolescence, a small percentage of women develop breasts that are not naturally firm. Some others may experience sagging or a loss of shape due to aging, genes, weight loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Most women seeking breast correction or improvement can benefit from a lift, irrespective of their age.

Ideal breast lift candidates have nipples that are below the level of the crease under the breast, where the breast meets the rest of the body.

Can exercise and a healthy diet help to lift breasts the way Mastopexy can?

Exercise and a healthy diet do wonders for toning muscles and improving overall health. Unfortunately, there is little an exercise and diet regimen can do to affect breast skin, unlike in other areas of the body. Currently only plastic surgery is capable of reducing breast skin laxity.

Can I breastfeed after Mastopexy surgery?

Breastfeeding is always good for the baby and the mother. However, some Mastopexy procedures will need your surgeon to cut the milk ducts while repositioning the breasts, having a negative impact on breastfeeding. However, the risk is minimal. Patients must discuss this during consultations with the surgeon and take a decision after carefully weighing all the considerations and criteria.

Is it safe for smokers to get a breast lift?

It is important that the patient opting for a breast lift does not smoke for at least two weeks prior to the surgery. The body needs to rid itself of all nicotine before the procedure. At Chennai Plastic Surgery, the surgeons conduct a blood check for nicotine levels before the procedure. If a woman has recently smoked, the mastopexy will be cancelled.

What are the results I can expect from Mastopexy?

Mastopexy reduces breast sagging and raises the nipple/areola. You will have firmer breasts that sit upright, giving you a more youthful appearance.

Are stretch marks removed with mastopexy?

The bad news: some stretch marks may be removed from areas where the skin is removed during surgery. Typically the ones on the lower breasts are removed, while the marks on the upper breasts remain.
Now for the good news: a side effect of the skin tightening process involved in Mastopexy can be the partial smoothing of any stretch marks surrounding the operating area.

How is a typical Mastopexy performed?

Typically, tissue is removed from around the areola and below the breast, as found necessary. This tightens the breast tissue and allows the nipple to be moved to a higher position to create the “lift”.

Can a Mastopexy be combined with other procedures?

Yes. In fact, many patients opt for larger scale body improvements and choose to undergo liposuction or a tummy tuck alongside their Mastopexy. These procedures can help reverse signs of aging or correct the kind of problems that commonly develop following pregnancy. The surgery can be coupled with breast enlargement or reduction. Individual goals are discussed in detail with every patient before the operation.

What should I expect during recovery?

Every woman recovers differently.

Generally, the first five to seven days after breast surgery are spent resting at home. During this time, patients take mild pain medication to combat any discomfort. They cannot drive or operate machinery. After approximately a week, patients will be able to resume light exercise, like walking. More vigorous activities such as aerobics or running must wait for a while. Depending on your recovery process, the surgeon would advice you on resuming a more strenuous exercise regimen. Normally, it takes approximately three weeks to get back to running, aerobics, and weight training.

Breast lift patients must factor in at least two weeks off from work in order to recover properly. If the patient’s job involves strenuous physical activities, work may need to be postponed for more than just two weeks. If you’ve had more than one procedure performed, such a tummy tuck and breast lift, your after surgery care instructions will also be different.

In order to maximize results and ensure patient safety, post-operation appointments will be scheduled. These check-ups allow the doctor to fully review the healing process, scarring and the outcome of the surgery. Patients could call the clinic during their recovery for answers to questions or help with concerns when they come up.

Where are the surgical scars located?

Scarring will happen.

Every patient must weigh the benefits of their breast lift against the drawback of scarring for themselves before deciding on going in for a Mastopexy.

Can problems return after a breast lift?

Every single person’s skin changes over time. The breasts may gradually show signs of stretching or sagging years after surgery. An improved breast contour is less likely to degrade over time than skin tension.

Is it possible to lose nipple sensation after mastopexy?

There is the possibility of a risk of losing sensation around the nipple area. Almost every breast lift requires incisions around the nipple. If this complication does occur, patients may need to wait for the nerves to grow back. If sensation has not returned after two years, it’s likely that the nipples may never regain their normal sense of touch.

Risks and complications

Loss of Sensitivity in the Breasts

Several patients experience temporary loss in breast sensitivity after Mastopexy. This is because the nerve endings have been cut during the operation, and need the healing touch of time, sometimes several months, for normal sensation to return. In some rare cases, the procedure can lead to a permanent loss of sensation in the breasts and/or areola area.


Any injury results in scars. And Mastopexy is no exception. But, these scars are usually not problematic.
A lowdown on the kinds of scars:

  • Hypertrophic scars are red, raised and lumpy
  • Keloids are tissue overgrowths that extend past the incisions made during surgery or the development of inner scar tissue.

Smokers or those who have a medical history of abnormal scarring are at greater risk for developing more apparent breast lift scars. Scar gels and silicone gel sheeting can help minimize scarring.

It’s important to remember that scarring looks worse just after surgery and begin fading over time.
Wound Separation (Dehiscence)

Revision surgery isn’t usually required to treat the wound separation problem.

Smokers and diabetics are among those who may experience a separation of the operating wound edges. If wounds do separate, take care to keep the area as clean as possible. Women who experience wound separation will take longer to completely recover from their Mastopexy.

Breast Skin or Nipple Loss

Due to effects on the blood circulation during a breast lift, there is a risk that part of the breast skin, or the nipple, could turn black. It is a much higher risk, however, in diabetics and smokers, and for this reason Mastopexy surgery is not perform on these patients.

Breast Asymmetry

Naturally, all women have some level of asymmetry. It is when this asymmetry is noticeable and causes distress and discomfort, correction using surgery must be done for a more balanced look.

Blood Loss

Excessive blood loss, although not common, may need blood transfusion. If the bleeding fails to stop on its own, it needs immediate medical attention. To reduce the risk of post-operative bleeding, patients are given instructions to avoid the use of anti-coagulant medications and supplements like vitamin E, garlic tablets and aspirin.


A hematoma is caused by blood collecting and clotting in a body cavity. It could cause swelling, pain, develop scar tissue, infections and other complications. Patients would know a hematoma has developed when one breast becomes significantly bigger than the other, even 2-3 times bigger! It would also become very painful – a sure sign that the doctor must know and medical care must be administered immediately.

Fat Necrosis

When fat lacks a proper supply of blood it becomes necrotic, or perishes. The affected tissue turns orange and begins to weep. This is a problem and could lead to causing major infections. Patients must seek immediate treatment to remove the necrotic tissue. However, it is a rare occurrence in breast tissue and can be seen in smokers, women who suffer from diabetes or circulatory problems. Those who have undergone radioactive/chemotherapy treatment are at an increased risk of developing necrosis.


Normally, infections show up within three days following surgery. The signs are severe swelling, redness, significant pain that shows no sign of improvement, discharge, a foul smell, a fever of 38 degrees Celsius or higher and intense heat stemming from the operated area.

General Dissatisfaction with Surgical Results of Mastopexy

Dissatisfaction will not occur if patients have realistic expectations from their breast lift surgery. In any surgery, skin is cut. Therefore scarring is a given. You need to accept that in your mind. Anyway, these scars are never visible in public.

When you know what to expect, you automatically keep your expectations real. And we, at Chennai Plastic Surgery are known to exceed expectations in a positive way.

How long does a Rhinoplasty surgery take?

A Rhinoplasty may take anywhere between two to two and a half hours.

Are there scars after Rhinoplasty?

In a closed Rhinoplasty, the incisions are inside of the nose and no visible scarring occurs. An open Rhinoplasty has a short inverted ‘V’ shaped incision on the skin between the nostrils half way between the nasal tip and the upper lip. It is made in an inverted ‘V’ as this sort of incision is less visible than a straight line. Added to that, with proper technique, the resulting scar is hardly even visible once your heal.

Is Rhinoplasty painful?

The pain, if any, is only during the initial stages after surgery. It can be controlled with proper medication.

What is the recovery like after Rhinoplasty?

Five to seven days of bruising and swelling can be expected. Herbal medication, particularly Arnica Montana, before and after surgery significantly reduces the bruising and swelling. The pain from a Rihnoplasty is negligible. You can go out in public, and be presentable within a week to ten days after surgery. The true results, though, will take a couple of months to show. In some patients, the healing process couples with remodelling could take even more than one year. Thicker skinned patients take longer than the thin skinned ones to heal. This is because thick skin does not ‘shrink wrap’ around the new nose as quickly as the thin skin.
Your surgeon will need to see you more often if he has realigned the bridge or narrowed the bones in your nose. You may be asked to do ‘digital exercises’ so as to maintain the proper alignment and position of the bones.

When will I be able to return to work after undergoing Rhinoplasty?

Seven to ten days is the norm after Rhinoplasty.

How long will it take me to get back to my exercise regime after my Rhinoplasty procedure?

Anywhere between ten to fourteen days after surgery for an aerobic workout. Resuming more strenuous activities like strength training and resistance exercises would need three to four weeks after surgery. Some patients may find a temporary increase in swelling after resuming their exercising.

When will my stitches be removed after Rhinoplasty?

Your stitches will removed within five to seven days after the procedure.

Are there risks or complications with rhinoplasty?

Like any other surgery, there is an element of risk involved in Rhinoplasty too. The infection and bleeding as results of Rhinoplasty are very low. Despite the execution of a technically sound Rhinoplasty procedure, asymmetries and/or unwanted contour changes could result.

Does insurance cover the Rhinoplasty procedure?

Insurance companies do not cover Rhinoplasty procedures, as a rule, because it is a cosmetic surgery. However, if the patient experiences breathing problems due to a deformed nose, some coverage could be considered. You need to check with your insurance company.

Blepharoplasty Surgery: Post-Operative Care Instructions

This information is for both lower eyelid and upper eyelid surgery.
Individuals are different. And so are their bodies. Healing too varies from patient to patient, customized by nature, so to speak. Following belpharoplasty, caution must be exercised.
Given below are generic tips of what to expect post your procedure:
When you open your eyes from surgery, you will do so in the recovery room. Tiny white tapes will cover the incisions, and you can go home as soon as you completely recover from the sedation. It is a good idea to have someone take you home, as eyelid surgery can be pretty intense on the eyes, with swelling due to the procedure.
There will be a certain amount of discomfort, pain even. But those symptoms can be controlled by medication. The discomfort diminishes every day and is generally gone within a week.
Sometimes, patients find their bodies reacting to the anesthetic with nausea, sometimes followed by vomiting. But these discomforts go away within a day – 24 hours to be precise. The remedy is replenishing lost fluids with soups, water, and rest.
Some amount of swelling follows the eyelid surgery, because of the cuts and nips. It lasts for between 3 to 5 days. During this time, patients may find their eyelids completely closed. In most cases, the swelling goes away within a week.
Bruises too will occur and this gets healed within a time span of 10 to 14 days. Light skin discoloration though, can last for up to several weeks. No need for alarm.
Swelling and bruising generally goes away within a week or two, and you will want to remain indoors till this happens. Even if you do happen to be compelled into going out due to unavoidable circumstances, you must wear sun glasses. Here’s your chance to go out wearing the most stylish pair you can get.
Treatment of Swelling
During the 3 to 5 days after surgery, when swelling is at its peak, it is important to keep your head raised above the shoulders by sleeping on several pillows. This helps gravity aid fluid drainage.
Ice packs made of soft shape hugging material, even frozen peas or mustard seeds can be placed over the eyes to soothe them and reduce swelling. Keep the ice pack on your eyes for 20 to 30 minutes, around 4 times a day, for the first 5 days. Doing it for more than a week has no added benefits.

Resuming Activity after Your Eye Lid Operation

Get as much rest as you can at home during the entire first week after surgery. Do not strain yourself by undertaking a strenuous exercise regime. Stop yourself from running, walking really fast, bending over, coughing or lifting anything that is heavy. All of these activities will increase blood flow to your face, and that could in turn cause increased bleeding around the newly created incisions around your eye area.
You must, however remain mobile. Walking slowly after your operation helps. While strolling around slowly is highly recommended, nothing more should be attempted. Walking, in fact, will assist in reducing the swelling and keep blood clots from forming in your leg veins.
Do not drive. Your eyelids will be swollen from the surgery and you will be blurry eyed. You must wait for 3 to 5 days for the swelling to subside.
Caring for your Incisions
Keep your face clean by washing it with soap and water every day. Use a gentle cleanser and water. Pat your wet face dry gently. Do not rub your face vigorously.
The white tapes over your incisions may come off, but that should not alarm you. There is no need to replace the tape.
Life begins to return to normal the day after your eyelid surgery the day after. You could go in for a shower and even wash your hair normally.
Makeup, contact lenses and false eyelashes
Obviously, you cannot use any makeup during the first two weeks after surgery. In fact, it is good to abstain from it for three weeks if you can. When you do get back to applying it, try not to use heavy, dark colours on your eyelids, as the pigments from makeup tend to collect on scars and incisions, causing damage. Instead of looking good, you will end up looking neither here nor there.
Avoid false eyelashes and contact lenses for three weeks following your eyelid lift surgery.


Generally, the sutures used will go away without having to be removed. But in case they need to, your surgeon will have them removed after 5 to 7 days.

Eyelid Lift Results

Seven days is how long it takes for a major part of the swelling to recede. Once the first week is behind you, improvements will begin being noticed in the 6 to 8 week period.

What kind of anaesthesia is used during the operation?

Tummy tuck is a proper surgery. It is always performed under General Anesthesia and the Anaesthetist is present throughout the procedure. In case of any reactions to anesthesia, it is compulsory you inform your surgeon before your surgery.

How long will the surgery last?

It varies from case to case. Usually, a Tummy Tuck will last between 2.5 to 3.5 hours.

How big will the incisions be and where will they be made?

Generally, incisions will be made across the lower abdomen, a little above the pubic area and beneath the bathing suit line. Another incision is also made around the belly button to free it from the surrounding skin.


Today, cosmetic surgery offers a procedure that uses the classic Tummy Tuck and Liposuction for better results. This procedure is called Lipoabdominoplasty, which is effective and avoids complications such as tissue loss and bleeding.

What is done during the Tummy Tuck?

Underlying muscles are tightened, and excess skin and fat is removed. The incisions are then sutured and the belly button is brought out through a new opening in its natural location.
Liposuction is usually used to help reduce bulges and accomplish optimum result.
Occasionally, a mini tummy tuck can be done when loose skin is present only below the belly button. This has double pronged advantages: the incision is shorter, and no incision is needed around the belly button.

How long will I stay in the hospital?

Normally, patients stay overnight, leaving the day after surgery.

After how long are the stitches removed?

Most of the stitching is dissolvable and woven under the skin to prevent stitch marks. The stitches around the belly-button, however, are non-dissolvable and need to be removed 2 weeks after the surgery.

What happens after the surgery?

Immediately after surgery, the skin feels tight. For the first 2 to 3 days, you will be instructed to walk bending forward slightly, to avoid pulling on the incision, and to put pillows under your knees when you’re reclining. While the pain is manageable, you will feel bruised and tender after surgery, but it can be controlled by using the prescribed pain medication. This procedure, however, is far less painful than regular abdominal surgery (eg gall bladder) because it is external and does not get into the inner abdominal cavity.
Plan to be off work for two weeks. Take it easy. Maybe a little easy walking, but nothing more. Do NOT strain, lift, or bend over. Strenuous physical activity, lifting weights, sit-ups etc are a complete no-no till 6 weeks after surgery.
You will wear an abdominal support garment for 6 weeks – day in and out, right through the night for the first three weeks. During the next three weeks, you will wear it only during the day.
Drains are placed to remove any excess fluid under the skin, and will be removed within one week.
Stay in an air conditioned room as you will be permitted a shower only after your first post operative visit.
Be warned, initial scars will look red and raised. 3 – 6 months later, they lighten and flatten out.

What are the results of Tummy Tuck?

You will be all smiles when you see the final results of your tummy tuck. Your abdomen region will be flatter, flattering and completely devoid of all those rolls, tires and muffin top effect from earlier. Loose skin will have gone, and in its place will be firm, tight, smoothness with negligible stretch marks.
Don’t worry about the scar. It will be nicely hidden by your underwear. Most of the CPS patients are thrilled with their results, which are far better than non surgical tummy tucks.

What you cannot expect in tummy tuck.

Tummy tucks DO NOT substitute for weight loss. Nor do they replace an exercise programme. Tummy tuck operations cannot correct stretch marks, although these may be removed or somewhat improved if they are located on the areas of excess skin that will be removed, generally the treated areas below the belly button.

Tummy Tuck side effects

Tummy tuck swelling is very common, as are the other side effects like scarring, numbness, bruising and discomfort

Keeping Fit After a Tummy Tuck
  • What you eat is of utmost importance
  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle
When are the stitches removed?

Normally, stitches are removed between 7-10 days.

What happens after the surgery?

Like in any other surgery, there will be a certain amount of bruising and tenderness. Patients who undergo gynecomastia surgery, rarely complain of unbearable pain and the medication prescribed to control it works very well, keeping patients comfortable.
Ideally, if you are working, be prepared to take about 3-5 days off. Post surgery, once you’ve recovered from the anesthesia, it is good if you take leisurely walks. Energetic, athletic activity can be resumed 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. Your surgeon will tell you when you will be right and ready to get back into the groove.

What is a support garment?

For 6 weeks after surgery, you will be advised to wear a support garment. You will have to wear this 24/7 for 3 weeks and during the day alone for 3 more weeks.
Helping to reshape the body, the support garment helps reduce swelling and helps your skin to adjust to the body’s new shape. On the 2nd day after surgery, you will be allowed to shower. 7 to 10 days after surgery, once the swelling and bruising have reduced considerably, the treated areas must be massaged. This helps decrease the swelling quickly and smoothes out any irregularities. In the beginning you will see that your scars are raised and reddish. It will take between 3 to 6 months for these to reduce slowly, flatten out and lighten up.

What are the results of Gynecomastia Surgery?

There are no prizes for guessing the results. Undergoing Gymecomastia surgery has only one purpose: to flatten unnatural male breasts. And these results are quite predictable: Gymecomastia surgery works. There’s more good news: scars are usually well hidden and barely noticeable. Most patients are very happy with their results.

Gynecomastia surgery is most often an day care procedure. Patients can proceed home on the same day, once they recover from anesthesia.

What happens during Gynecomastia procedure?

The most popular surgery for Gynecomastia is liposuction. An anesthetic solution called tumescence is injected into the breasts. Once the patient is comfortable, an ultrasound probe emits vibrations that liquidify the fatty breast tissues, after which a cannula, or thin long tube is inserted under the skin through the incision. Excess fat is then suctioned out using a high pressure suction machine removes the fat and / or breast tissue. The cannula is skillfully moved back and forth underneath the skin to remove the fat in a uniform way.
Very seldom, a longer cut may be needed so as to remove breast tissue from under the nipples. In rare cases, skin may also have to be removed.
Tumescent and power assisted Liposuction are the state of the art methods for Gynecomastia surgery. They help to reduce bruising and swelling, and to speed recovery.

Where are the incisions made?

Two incisions are usually made for each breast. The incisions small, never more than 1 cm, and are placed in areas that are hidden from the eye, for example, near the armpit, adjacent to the flat part of the nipple (the ‘areola’), or at the outer edge of the fold under the breast.

How long is the Gynecomastia Surgery?

Depending on the scale of the operation, the procedure, on an average, takes up to 1 hour.

What kind of anesthesia is used for Gynecomastia surgery?

This procedure is usually performed under General Anesthesia. An Anesthetist is present throughout the surgery and will monitor the patient’s progress till they wake up. Patients are advised to inform the surgeon of problems they may have with anesthesia, if any.
Patients must let the surgeon know their complete medical history as well as any medications, drugs, vitamins, or natural herbs they are taking. For example, diabetes is known to affect wound healing after Gynecomastia plastic surgery.
Smoking also affects the body’s ability to heal. Your surgeon will recommend that you stop smoking at least 2 weeks before surgery. Aspirin, anti-inflammatory pills (like anaprox or motrin), and vitamin E also should be stopped 2 weeks before surgery because they can cause extra bleeding.

How long will I stay at the hospital?

Liposuction is usually an day care procedure. This means, a patient is free to leave the hospital once he or she recovers from the anesthetic. If very large areas are treated, they may have to stay overnight and go home the day after surgery.

When are the stitches removed?

Stitches are removed between 7-10 days after the procedure. Sometimes, when dissolving stitches are used they don’t have to be removed.

What happens after liposuction ?

Most people feel tender and bruised after surgery, but the pain is manageable. Pain medication is prescribed to make the patient comfortable.
For liposuction recovery time, we suggest patients plan to be off work for 2-5 days. During that time they are encouraged to go for leisurely walks. To resume athletic activities patients need to wait for approximately 2-3 weeks after the procedure. The doctor will let them know when they can re-start their sporting activities.
Support garments are worn 24 hours a day for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, they are worn 8 hours a day for another 4 weeks. These garments are worn to reduce swelling and help the skin adjust to the new body shape. Patients are advised to remove them only to shower and wash the garments. Showering is permitted on the 3rd day after surgery. Massaging the treated areas will begin 7-10 days after surgery, to help decrease the swelling quickly and to smoothen out any irregularities. Soon after the procedure, the patient will see red, slightly raised scars. However, 3-6 months later, they get lighter and flatten out.

Results of liposuction

We have seen good results after 2 month. Most patients, too, are very happy with their results. Shapes can be predictably achieved and liposuction scars are usually well hidden.

This depends on the number of areas that are to be treated, and whether you need liposuction in combination with other procedures like a tummy tuck. Depending on this, the procedure could vary from between 1 and 6 hours.

Where are the incisions made?

The incisions are very small, never more than 1 centimeter. A good surgeon takes care and keeps the scars as inconspicuous as possible by placing them within natural skin folds adjacent to the area being treated.

What type of anesthesia is used during liposuction operation?

Liposuction is usually performed under General Anesthesia. However, smaller areas can occasionally be treated under Local Anesthesia with sedation to help you relax. An Anesthetist is always present. If you have any particular problems with anesthesia, let your surgeon know.

2017 WhatClinic Patient Service Award Badge RealSelf Top Doctor Cosmetic Surgery Badge Top Doctor Recognition for Breast Augmentation Top Doctor Recognition for Gynecomastia Surgery Top Doctor Recognition for Rhinoplasty Surgery Top Doctor Recognition for Tummy Tuck Surgery Award for Top Liposuction Specialist Recognized in RealSelf Top 500 (2015) 2017 Patient Service Award by WhatClinic