Breast Liposuction

Women with large breasts (macromastia) suffer from both physical as well as psychological effects. They usually face problems such as shoulder pain, back pain, inability to fit into right clothes, lack of confidence, depression, marital disputes etc. The best way to treat macromastia is surgical, either by breast reduction or by a tumescent liposuction.
In this blog we will see in detail about tumescent liposuction.
- Those who are not willing to undergo breast reduction by excision procedure.
- Those who have a well aesthetically placed nipple areola complex as it does not give a lift.
- Those with breasts which have more of fatty than glandular component.
- Women who are younger, unmarried and those who have not completed their family.
- Women who do not want scars on the breast.
- Those who are ready to accept a reduction in the size of about 50%or less.
- Patients with asymmetry in the breasts.
- Who have undergone a previous breast reduction and want a further reduction.
- Women who have a previous history of breast cancer or undiagnosed breast mass.
- Those who have unrealistic expectations (expecting a reduction of 60% or more).
- Women with large pendular breasts/ those with minimal fat.
This is procedure is usually done under general / intravenous sedation as a day care procedure. Small 5mm incisions are made for the cannulas usually in hidden areas such as armpit or inframammary fold. Through these incisions tumescent fluid is infiltrated and liposuction is done.
Plasters are applied for the initial 2 days following which the patient is asked to wear a compression garment. Patient can resume normal activity by 48 hours, can go to work on the third day.
Liposuction for breasts as compared to reduction has a faster recovery. Patients can resume work on the third postoperative day. Less discomfort and pain. Scars are very minimal and usually in hidden areas. Nipple sensation and breast feeding is usually unaffected.
Liposuction of breasts when done by a qualified plastic surgeon is usually a safe procedure. The complications that can be expected are hematoma, bruising, swelling, infection, tenderness. It may take up to two months for the swelling to reduce and appreciate the final results.