Hi my name is Chevone.
I am originally from Jamaica, but I live in British Niregin Islands.

After two kids, I have been having body issues and have been quite subconscious about my midsection. So I have been thinking about doing plastic surgery for a while now but never met a doctor that I thought I was comfortable with enough to do it. After doing some search online, I found Chennai Plastic Surgery and started emailing and the responses were so quick and everyone seems so friendly and knew exactly what they are talking about that I was convinced that they were the place to go it with. So after several emails, I made an appointment and with Dr.Karthik and came to Chennai, which I had to be here for other business anyways. So, it was great trip to get everything done in one and after few days in India Chennai I went to the office and met Dr. Karthik and his staff who are all so friendly and knowledgeable. He broke down the procedure in terms I could understand in terms of telling me what to expect before doing and after and that I have to be realistic in my expectation and that it wasn’t a quick fix. Rather it is something that would take time and effort. I was quite willing to do what he suggested. So he set it up for me to have a liposuction on my midsection and also my back for the next day. It was rather quickly but I felt quite comfortable that it would go quite well. So I wasn’t nervous or anything.

On the day I was scheduled for surgery, I showed up at the center because there is a pre op and I was quite pleasantly surprised to find that there are other people that was also interested in doing other surgeries there. So I wasn’t just one of the thing. His office was quite busy with people that are interested in doing other things. I wasn’t aware that they had so many other procedures that they did. There were client there for beauty cosmetic stuff from doing a rhino (a nose job), which is something that I may consider in the future, you never know. And there was lady there for breast augmentat, something that I don’t really think I need, but it is good that his office offers all these many services for people that might feel like that they need this. And the hospital where we had surgery was pretty close by, so that was quite convenient. I thought the entire staff and nurses, sister Devi particularly. She was very very great, she made me feel so welcome pre surgery. The anesthesiologist was very good. I met just for like 5 seconds because he knocked me off that quickly. I guess that’s the testament of how good he is.

Waking up from the procedure, I expected to be in a lot of pain and be totally out of it. I was little out of it but the pain was quite minimal. It took me just about an hour or so to be totally awake and aware of what was going on. But the nurses were there for the entire time which comforted me. I feel like I had not been left alone. I might have had moments of panic but the fact that some was constantly there letting me know that everything is going to be ok and that I was alright made me feel so much better.

Recovery, I just spent a night in the hospital, which was good waking up the next morning. I was quite anxious not because of the service. The service was good it is matter of getting back to the hotel. The transitioning from surgery pre surgery after surgery the staff took excellent care for me and made me feel really good.

It’s been a little over a week since my surgery and I must say I have seen a lot of changes, really positive changes and I am very very happy with the results. I am sure another month from now it will be even better once swelling goes down. I am very happy with Dr. Karthik and his entire staff and Chennai plastic surgery in general and I would be happy to recommend you guys to all my friends and family who ever might need surgery in general and should I ever feel the need to have something else in hands stored, I will definitely return.

Thank you